Tag Archives: 15 and a union


Single Mom Fired for Organizing Strike for $15 and a Union

Urgent Solidarity Needed!

darlettaBrinks Armored Trucking terminated Darletta Scruggs, a 15 Now activist and single mother, for organizing a strike of 50 drivers and messengers as part of the April 15th National Day of Action for $15 and a Union. Brinks can’t be allowed to threaten workers with financial ruin for standing up for their rights on the job. 

Let Brinks know we have Darletta’s back!
Show your solidarity by:

1.  Sign the petition 

2.  Make a donation to Darletta’s defense campaign today

Flood Brinks’ phone lines today! Demand they give Darletta her job back.
Call Brinks Customer Service at 773-475-2600, Ext. 1. Ask to speak to the Branch Manager. If there no answer, leave a message! Continue reading

Photo by Elliot Stoller

“Hip hip hooray! Seattle’s getting a raise!”

Bringing the good news – and the party – to workers

by Patrick Ayers

“Congratulations to you all and to us all on this phenomenal historic victory… Let’s make sure that all workers know they are getting their rightful legal wage and they know we are on their side and we have their backs if they challenge their bosses against wage theft. Let’s make sure that we will fight for them if they are intimidated, threatened, harassed, or fired for asking for their rights.” – Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant

15 now, in coalition with unions and supporters, brought the good news to low-wage workers on Saturday, March 28: Seattle’s getting a raise!
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DANIELLE PETERSON / Statesman Journal

Fight for $15 in All 50

Major Victories Possible If Labor Launches a National Campaign for a $15/Hour Minimum Wage

by Ty Moore, 15 Now National Organizer

On April 15, fast-food strikers and other low-wage workers are planning their biggest protests yet for “$15 and a union.” The driving force behind these actions, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), reportedly aims to turn out 60,000 workers and supporters in over 200 cities across the country.

Chapters of 15 Now are going all-out to build for the April 15 demonstrations, to demand union rights and raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour.

According to a January Hart Research poll, 63% of the country now suppors a $15 federal minimum wage. Support is even higher in most big cities. The time is right for the big unions to help launch an all-out national campaign for a $15 an hour minimum wage. Let’s use April 15 to kick things off!

Everywhere, anger at corporate greed – and the extreme wealth and racial inequities – is reaching a boiling point. The fight for a $15 an hour minimum wage has the potential to become a powerful mass movement uniting low-wage workers demanding union rights, people of color standing up against racism, and young people facing a dead-end future.
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Seattle’s Steps to $15 Start April 1

Don’t be fooled, know your rights under the new wage law. En español aquí.

april wages

The wage is phased in over a 3-7 year period depending on the number of workers employed at the company or chain, and whether the employer offers healthcare benefits and/or tips.  See the chart below for the full wage schedule.  Click the image to enlarge.

Seattle wage law schedule

If you have questions or concerns, please call the Working Washington Hotline: 866-385-9509



Court rejects McDonald’s claim that they’re a small business

Join 15 Now, labor unions, and Councilmember Sawant on March 28 to let workers know they are getting a raise!

“The $15/hour minimum wage movement delivered a resounding one-two punch against right-wing opponents of 15,” began a triumphant Facebook post by Socialist Seattle City Coucilmember Kshama Sawant on Wednesday, March 18.

Sawant and 15 Now played an instrumental role in helping pass the historic minimum wage law in Seattle that goes into effect on April 1, giving a pay raise to more than 100,000 workers in the city, and eventually raising the minimum wage to $15/hour. With just a few weeks until the law goes into effect, big business is still resisting.

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