Tag Archives: Solidarity


Single Mom Fired for Organizing Strike for $15 and a Union

Urgent Solidarity Needed!

darlettaBrinks Armored Trucking terminated Darletta Scruggs, a 15 Now activist and single mother, for organizing a strike of 50 drivers and messengers as part of the April 15th National Day of Action for $15 and a Union. Brinks can’t be allowed to threaten workers with financial ruin for standing up for their rights on the job. 

Let Brinks know we have Darletta’s back!
Show your solidarity by:

1.  Sign the petition 

2.  Make a donation to Darletta’s defense campaign today

Flood Brinks’ phone lines today! Demand they give Darletta her job back.
Call Brinks Customer Service at 773-475-2600, Ext. 1. Ask to speak to the Branch Manager. If there no answer, leave a message! Continue reading